FUE For Vitiligo
Stable vitiligo can be treated with various surgical modalities including hair transplantation at vitiligo patch with variable success rates. Body hair transplantation (BHT) helps in repigmentation by perifollicular spread of melanocyte and stem cells from the implanted follicles. In addition, the aesthetic appearance is also restored by the new hair. This method is effective in focal vitiligo, vitiligo in non-glabrous areas, and in those patches with leukotrichia.
As hair follicle melanocytes are more resistant to the vitiligo process, hair restoration in a vitiligo patch may be a good modality in non-glabrous area. BHT by FUE in vitiligo is less invasive and leaves almost no visible scarring in donor area. Moreover, the extracted follicular units are directly ready for implantation and give good aesthetic outcome as the hairs matches with the surrounding hairs. In comparison to scalp hair, body hair does not require frequent trimming.